Check the the trip search for schedules
The easiest way to check the up-to-date, day-specific timetable for your route of choice is to do a trip search. You can buy tickets for long-distance day trains until 25 Oct and car and night trains until 13 Dec 2025. Tickets for commuter trains are on sale until 15 Jun 2025.
Timetables until 15 June 2025
Please note. You can always find the up-to-date route-specific timetables by using the trip search above.
Station schedules
Train Departures timetable service provides you with real-time schedules for all train stations in Finland. The service is provided by Finrail and the information is based on real-time train traffic information.
See where the trains are running
The new live train tracker map uses data from the GPS tracking of trains and the train movement data of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, which give you the best and most up-to-date information about the movements of trains.
Are you looking for Helsinki Region Transport?
You can find the timetables for Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kauniainen, Kerava, Sipoo, Tuusula, Kirkkonummi and Siuntio from HSL Journey Planner.
Go to the HSL Journey Planner, Opens in a new tabTimetables for night and Car-carrier trains
You can find up-to-date timetables for night and car-carrier trains in trip search. You can also see the car loading times there after you have added a car to your booking and selected a train.