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Services on trains

What do you need when travelling by train?

Travelling with children

On train trips children can play, and you don't have to stop your travel for meal or toilet breaks.

Travelling with children

Accessible train travel

Can we help you or your travel companions with any mobility assistance?

Tutustu esteettömän junamatkustamisen palveluihin

Work on the train

More peace and quiet to work in Ekstra class, on the second floor of the restaurant carriage, or in two- or four-person cabins.

Lue lisää junassa työskentelystä

Luggage and bikes on trains

Do you know your luggage limit on a train? Do you need to store large bags, bicycle or skis during your journey?

Luggage and bikes on trains


4 €

Travelling with pets

Pets are welcome on all our trains. Bringing your pet along costs 4-8 € depending on the length of your journey.

Travelling with pets

Enjoy delicious food on the train

The restaurant car and sales trolley will serve you during your train journey. Stop by for lunch or a cup of coffee and enjoy time alone or with a group. You can also order products to your seat.

Learn more about restaurant cars

Extra comfort for your journey

Add some luxury and extra room for your journey by reserving a seat in Ekstra Class or the upstairs section of the restaurant car, reserving your own cabin or booking the seat next to you. Pendolino and IC trains have also free wi-fi and electric sockets.

Learn more about upgrade

Wi-Fi onboard

Start using the upgraded Wi-Fi network for long-distance trains. The new network, named VR-wifi, is up to five times faster than the previous one.

See the Wi-Fi coverage map

Meetings and group journeys

Use your travel time efficiently by holding a meeting on board. Perhaps you’re travelling as a sports team, school class or some other group for leisure?

Learn more about services for groups

Learn more about the trains

Where’s the restaurant car? What about the toilet? You can go check the services offered by your train and take a look at the coach map to see where everything is.

Learn more about services on trains

Bikes on trains

Bikes can be taken on nearly all domestic long-distance and commuter trains.

Please note that a separate space must be reserved for bikes on the InterCity trains. On commuter trains, bikes can be transported free of charge in the designated spaces.

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Enjoy audio books and e-books

Entertainment for the journey

We are offering our customers a 60-day trial period to the Nextory audio book and e-book service with a catalogue of thousands of stories. You can read and listen books with your phone or tablet.

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Train tickets

Which ticket is best for you? Learn more about tickets, making changes to tickets and cancellations.

Learn more about train tickets