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Railway stations and routes

Leppävaara railway station

  • Ticket vending machine

Leppävaara railway station

Leppävaaranaukio 1

02600 Espoo

Departures and arrivals



Track trains

Ticket sales

  • Ticket vending machine
  • No VR service point

Services at the station

  • Toilet unavailable
  • Car-carrier loading unavailable
  • Luggage lockers unavailable


  • Assistance service at the station
  • Raised platforms, accessible entry onto low-floor train.

Information about the station’s services

Exceptional arrangements between Helsinki and Turku from 23 June to 27 July 2025

The railway works of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency’s Espoo Urban Railway project will cause a five-week traffic interruption between Helsinki and Karjaa starting on 23 June. During the interruption, we will replace all long-distance trains between Helsinki and Karjaa with buses. Trains between Karjaa and Turku will run at longer intervals. We have also launched bus connections between Helsinki and Turku. You can choose the most suitable travel route from the travel search. Read more about the traffic interruption.

Assistance service at the station

The assistance point is located in the middle of platform 4, next to the lift. The assistance point has a shelter. Drop-off traffic and taxis can easily get close to the assistance point.

To book assistance service, call VR customer service for accessible travel at 0800 188 822 (free of charge, service hours Mon–Fri 5am–10pm, Sat–Sun 7am–10pm) no later than 24 hours before your departure.

Vicinity of railway station

You can find a map of the surroundings of the Leppävaara railway station as a pdf file on HSL’s website, Opens in a new tab.

Exceptional arrangements between Helsinki and Turku 23 June–27 July 2025

  • The railway works of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency’s Espoo Urban Railway project will cause a five-week traffic interruption between Helsinki and Karjaa starting on 23 June. During the interruption, we will replace all long-distance trains between Helsinki and Karjaa with buses.
  • Trains between Karjaa and Turku will run at longer intervals.
  • We have also launched bus connections between Helsinki and Turku. You can choose the most suitable travel route from the travel search. The buses will drive all the way to the Port of Turku at ship travel times.
  • Train traffic between Tampere and Turku will run normally.
  • Commuter trains between Karjaa and Hanko will be normally run by train during the railway line interruption. However, the H-train's connection between Helsinki and Hanko, which runs three days a week, cannot be run by train during the work for the Espoo Rail Line project.
  • Learn more about the exceptional arrangements and bus departures and stops.

Stop for the track work bus

Bus leaves from the station’s overpass, bus stop number 41 along Ring Road 1. The overpass can be accessed via the stairs from the train platforms.