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Long-distance traffic

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Our long-distance trains can take you to almost anywhere in Finland

You can travel across Finland in comfort aboard our long-distance trains. By rail, you can travel from city centre to city centre in an eco-friendly fashion or make your way to Lapland or the coast.

Our wide range of services guarantees that you will have a pleasant experience even during a long journey.

Read more about our services

Tickets for long-distance trains

We offer a wide range of ticket options for long-distance journeys to serve all passengers. You will get the best deal by booking tickets well in advance.

Ticket information

Long-distance trains

Our trains offer a wide range of services for your journey. Read more about the different long-distance trains.


The most common train type in our long-distance traffic with the widest range of services. InterCity trains mostly have double-decker coaches with Eco and Extra Class service.



Pendolino trains are fast long-distance trains. Pendolino trains mostly have single-level coaches with Eco and Extra Class service.



Railcars, which are used for short journeys, provide convenient further connections for the faster InterCity and Pendolino trains.


Night trains and car-carrier trains

InterCity trains or express trains with sleeper cars and car-carrier wagons. Night trains mostly have double-decker sleeper cars.

Night trains and car-carrier trains

Pendolino Plus

The newest addition to our fleet

The newest and most beautiful addition to our train fleet will start operating in late 2025.

Learn more