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Railway stations and routes

Pasila railway station

  • Ticket vending machine
  • Toilet

Pasila railway station

Ratapihantie 6

00520 Helsinki

Waiting room opening hours

Daily 24 h

Ticket vending machines are located inside the station building.

Departures and arrivals



Track trains

Ticket sales

  • Ticket vending machine
  • No VR service point

Services at the station

  • Toilet
  • Car-carrier loading unavailable
  • Luggage lockers


  • Assistance service at the station
  • Raised platforms, accessible entry onto low-floor train.

Information about the station’s services

Pasila station offers a wide range of services

Assistance service at the station

The assistance point is located close to the entrance on the Pasilansilta side. Drop-off traffic can get close to the assistance point. The assistance point has accessible entry to the station hall and platforms.

To book assistance service, call VR customer service for accessible travel at 0800 188 822 (free of charge, service hours Mon–Fri 5am–10pm, Sat–Sun 7am–10pm) no later than 24 hours before your departure.

Pasila car-carrier station

Good to know

  • Do you want to continue from Pasila station by taxi? VR and Lähitaksi now offer train passengers a taxi discount: by displaying your train ticket, you will receive a Lähitaksi journey at a 10% discount. Read more about the offer, Opens in a new tab
  • The Pasila railway station and its surroundings are being revamped in connection with the construction of Central Pasila. Construction sites may cause changes to routes and traffic connections.

Pasila station has several storage options for luggage

  • The luggage lockers are located on the 4th and 1st floors of the station hall on Veturitie.
  • Luggage storage is subject to a charge. The lockers only accept card payments.
  • The maximum storage time is 23 hours. Lockers are available in two sizes, large (W40cm x D70cm x H58cm) and small (W32cm x D70cm x H43cm).

Vicinity of railway station

From the station, you could go to...

Explore the numerous destinations near the railway station! Here are a few examples.


When stepping out of the train, you are basically already at the Mall of Tripla. Connected to Pasila railway station, this is the biggest shopping centre in the Nordics.

Tripla, Opens in a new tab

Linnanmäki & Sealife

Only one kilometre away from Pasila railway station is the classic amusement park (and favourite of smaller travellers) Linnanmäki. During winter, the Sealife aquarium also offers experiences for all ages.

Linnanmäki & Sealife, Opens in a new tab

Olympic Stadium

Helsinki Olympic Stadium's newly renovated tower offers one of the city's greatest views. You can also find the TAHTO Center for Finnish Sports Culture at the same address. The stadium is a 1.5 km walk from Pasila railway station.

Olympic Stadium, Opens in a new tab

Plan your next trip

See how to conveniently get to and from the station

Park your car at the station and hop on a train

Did you know that the Mall of Tripla’s Triplaparkki is located near the Pasila station? You can access the parking garage easily from Firdonkatu or Pasilan tornikuja. More detailed information on parking is available on the Finnpark website, Opens in a new tab.

Navigate to the parking area, Opens in a new tab