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Tampere railway station area renovation

Impact of exceptional arrangements on traffic

The renovation of Tampere’s railway station area will cause changes to train traffic during weekends in spring 2025. Day trains will be replaced by buses between Tampere and Seinäjoki, Tampere and Pori and Tampere and Parkano. The track work will also cause changes and cancellations in night train traffic.

Where do buses depart from? Check the city-specific stops for track work buses.
Stopping areas

Exceptional arrangements by date and route

Day trains will be replaced by buses on different routes on weekends from the end of April 2025 to the beginning of June 2025. Learn more about the exceptional arrangements and track work bus departures and stops.

1h 15 min


Day trains will be replaced by buses on 26 April, 17–18 May, 24–25 May, 31 May and 1 June. Track work bus 1B will run on the route.

2h 35 min


Day trains will be replaced by buses 3–4 May and 10–11 May. Track work bus 1B will mainly run on the route.

1h 30 min


Day trains will be replaced by buses on 26 April, 3–4 May, 10–12 May, 17–18 May, 24–25 May and 31 May–1 June. Direct track work bus 1B and track work bus 2B via minor stations will run on the route. Direct 1h 30 min and minor stations 2h 45 min

The line ID of the track work bus

If your trip includes a track work bus, the line ID of the track work bus can always be found on your ticket. The track work bus line is indicated at the end of the long bus number.

Effects on commuter traffic

On Monday 12 May, the R and M trains will be subject to changes between Tampere and Nokia. You can find the timetables for VR's track work buses through our journey search., Opens in a new tab If you cannot find your connection, you can travel on Nysse's buses. The timetables are available on Nysse’s website., Opens in a new tab

Night train changes in May 2025

The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency’s track work will cause changes to night train schedules in May 2025.

Due to the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency’s track work, we will be cancelling some night trains in May. In addition to cancellations, we will be replacing some night train services with services running according to an exceptional schedule.We will not operateany night trains at all on Saturdaysin May 2025. We will be cancelling all night train services (265, 266, 273, 274 and 276). However, trains 933 and 904 will run normally on the route Port of Turku – Tampere – Port of Turku. Instead of the cancelled Saturday departures, we will add the night train 276 to every Sunday in May and Sunday 1 June from Kolari to Helsinki.We will cancel nighttrains 265 and 274 from Monday 12 May to Wednesday 14 May and Monday 19 May to Wednesday 21 May.The track work willalso cause changes to the Helsinki–Kemijärvi–Helsinkinight trains:

  • On Friday 9 May, we will run the night train 264 instead of 274 for the Kemijärvi–Helsinki night train service.
  • On Sunday 11 May, we will run the Helsinki–Kemijärvi night train 265 instead of night train 267.

The timetable changes and cancelled night train services may still change as the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency specifies the schedule of the track work.Do you have a ticket for a cancelled night train service? Not to worry, we will contact you personally about your trip as soon as the timetable changes have been confirmed.

Tampere car-carrier station

Due to the renovation of the Tampere railway yard, we will not operate any car-carriers to or from Tampere as of 16 June 2025. The car-carrier station will be closed temporarily. During the renovation, you can book a car-carrier journey departing from Pasila or Turku, instead of Tampere.

An all-green sign with a train icon. From the train icon, there is an arrow pointing to the icon with a picture of a bus at the stop. The text on the sign is "Long-distance train replacement bus".

Track work bus departure point sign


The departure point of the track work bus is always marked with the same sign as shown in the picture.

Tips for a smooth trip

Track work buses will also bring some changes to travelling that may raise questions. Could the following points provide answers to your questions?

First a ticket, then to the bus

Tickets are not sold on the track work buses. You can buy a ticket for the track work bus most easily at, through the VR Matkalla app, or from a ticket vending machine. Track work bus tickets are also sold at R kiosks, at our service points in Helsinki and Tampere, and by calling our customer service.