Ainola railway station
No services available at this stationAinola railway station
Horsmakatu 1
04420 Järvenpää
Departures and arrivals
Track trains
Ticket sales
- Ticket vending machine unavailable
- No VR service point
Services at the station
- Toilet unavailable
- Car-carrier loading unavailable
- Luggage lockers unavailable
- Assistance service unavailable
- Raised platforms, accessible entry onto low-floor train.
Information about the station’s services
Ainola’s eastern platform closed from 7 July to 14 December 2024
In July, construction of the superstructures of the new eastern additional track will begin in Ainola at the current platform. The eastern platform 2 next to Horsmakatu will be closed for the duration of the construction from 7 July to 14 December 2024. During the exceptional arrangements, western platform 1 on the Lepolanväylä side will serve passengers travelling in both directions. Once the work is completed, use of the new eastern platform and additional track will begin on 15 December.