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Railway stations and routes

Ainola railway station

No services available at this station

Ainola railway station

Platform 1 (towards Helsinki)

Lepolanväylä 20

Platform 4 (towards Riihimäki)

Viulukonsertonkatu 7

04420 Järvenpää

Departures and arrivals



Track trains

Ticket sales

  • Ticket vending machine unavailable
  • No VR service point

Services at the station

  • Toilet unavailable
  • Car-carrier loading unavailable
  • Luggage lockers unavailable


  • Assistance service unavailable
  • Raised platforms, accessible entry onto low-floor train.

Information about the station’s services

The new eastern platform 4 at Ainola station will be taken into use on December 15

Going forward, the new eastern platform will serve passengers traveling north, while the current western platform will serve those traveling toward Helsinki.

The new eastern platform 4 is located in a different spot than the old platform. It has been built in connection with the emerging district center in Ainola, at Sinfonia Square. The platform can be accessed via stairs and a ramp from Ainolanväylä, from the middle of the platform via Jokamiehenraitti, and via a ramp from Horsmatie. From Horsmakatu, the new platform can also be reached via a bridge over Ainolanväylä. There are signs in the area guiding passengers to the platforms.

Access routes at Ainola station