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Pendelöinti-blogin artikkeli, jossa nainen on matkustamassa pitkää työmatkaa junalla.

Why take the train to work?

Start your morning with a relaxing train trip. The train gives you some time of your own, a peaceful start to the day and a carefree way to travel to your daily duties. Forget about traffic jams and stressful commutes. Hop on the train – it's a great choice for the environment and for your wallet!

Trains inspire creativity

The train is an office with a view. The changing sceneries and the soundscape of the tracks fuel creativity. The gentle rocking movement of the train helps you relax and get your ideas flowing. The train is a great remote office, especially for those in innovative and creative industries. Did you know that several of Pertti Jarla’s comic strips were created during train trips, and that J.K. Rowling also got the idea for Harry Potter on the train?

Services for greater travel comfort

On the train, you’ll find all the services close to you, and you won't need to make a pit stop every time you get hungry or need a toilet. Free internet connection and the chance to charge your phone or computer adds to the comfort of the journey. With additional services, you can make your journey your own. For example, the more spacious and quiet Ekstra class is particularly suitable for working or studying on the journey. Remember to try the cosy seats you can find upstairs of the restaurant car. Learn more about the services on board our trains.

An easy choice for you, an even better choice for the environment

Concern about the environment makes many of us rethink our everyday choices. Choosing the train is an easy and comfortable climate action. Take a look at our calculator and calculate how you can benefit the environment by choosing train travel.

Tax deductions encourage train travel

Tax deductions are available for commutes on the basis of the least expensive mode of transport. Public transport is usually the least expensive form of travel, and options such as season and multi-tickets are often the cheapest ticket types. The deduction is always based on the least expensive mode of transport, even if you chose a different form of travel. Deductions for car expenses can only be granted under certain circumstances.

If you have worked for a calendar year, you can deduct travel expenses for 11 calendar months, as no deductions can be made for the holiday period. The excess is first deducted from the travel expenses, after which the maximum amount of deductions is EUR 7000 (in 2024).

Learn more about deductions of travel expenses on the Tax Administration’s website.

Commuting expenses (Tax Administration), Opens in a new tab

Use your travel time well

Your time is valuable. Why not make the most of the time you spend on your commute? On the train, you don't have to worry about traffic; simply relax and immerse yourself in a good book or your latest handicrafts project.

More to read

On future tracks

8 reasons for logging in before buying tickets

Having a change of plans after you've made all the reservations can be annoying. The thought of having to book everything all over again seems like a bothersome addition to your already full list of chores. What if you could make it easier to rearrange the details of your trip?

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