Corporate tickets
Tickets customised for corporate users
We offer a selection of tickets tailored for the needs of corporate customers and their business travel needs. You can easily buy, change and cancel tickets on this website whenever it is suitable for you. Changes and cancellations are flexible, and the tickets and receipts are stored in the My Tickets section. Buying tickets is easy though this website with card payment or invoicing.
There are three different ticket options available
Single ticket
- Seat in Eko Class.
- Changes and cancellations are subject to an additional charge.
- You can add paid cancellation insurance to your journey.
- For a small additional fee, you can also book a seat in Ekstra Class or the upstairs of the restaurant car.
Single ticket Flex
- Seat in Eko Class.
- Change fee is included in the price, which means that we do not charge a change fee for changing the time of travel.
- Cancellation insurance is included in the price. If you cancel your ticket, we'll only charge a cancellation fee.
- Available only to our corporate customers.
Corporate ticket
- A seat in Ekstra Class or upstairs of the restaurant car.
- A change fee is included in the price, which means that we do not charge a change fee for changing the time of travel.
- Cancellation insurance is included in the price. If you cancel your ticket, we'll only charge a cancellation fee.
- Available only to our corporate customers.
When you need tickets
- Log in at the top of the page with your corporate username and buy tickets at any time needed.
- Tickets and receipts are always saved on your user account in the My Tickets section. There you can change or cancel your tickets before the scheduled departure time.
- You can pay by card (either debit or credit) and, upon agreement, invoicing. Order-specific invoices are also possible.
- It is possible to create a VR account for people over 13 years of age
Easy travel management
In addition to credit card payments, we also offer our corporate customers an invoicing option, and the ReceiptHero app allows receipts to be digitally transferred to travel expense software.
Information about tickets for corporate customers
More detailed information about our tickets for corporate customers is available here.
Information on Single ticket Flex
Single ticket Flex is only available for our corporate customers.
The seat is in Eko Class.
- You can see the price in the trip search.
- A change fee is included in the price, which means that we do not charge a change fee for changing the time of travel.
- Changes to the ticket must be made before the train’s scheduled departure. If the journey includes a change of trains, any changes must be made before the journey begins. Please note that the route or direction of travel stated on the ticket cannot be changed.
- If you change your ticket to a more expensive train service, you need to pay the difference when you make the change. You will not be refunded the difference if you change to a less expensive ticket.
- Additional services (for example, bicycle space) are subject to availability and will not be refunded separately.
- Cancellation insurance is included in the price. If you cancel your ticket, we will only charge a cancellation fee.
- You can change or cancel your tickets before the scheduled departure of the train via self-service; just log in with your corporate username and adjust your tickets in the My Tickets section. Changes and cancellations can also be made through our customer service, we are open on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., tel. 0600 199 55 (EUR 2.03/answered call + LNC).
- You can buy The Single ticket Flex on the vr.fi website or from our customer service. We are open on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., tel. 0600 199 55 (EUR 2.03/answered call + LNC).
Information about The Corporate ticket
The corporate ticket is only available for our corporate customers.
- With a company ticket, you can choose a seat in Ekstra Class or upstairs of the restaurant car. By default, the starting price of a company ticket includes a seat upstairs of the restaurant car with a vacant seat next to it.
- You can see the price in the trip search.
- A change fee is included in the price, which means that we do not charge a change fee for changing the time of travel.
- Changes to the ticket must be made before the train’s scheduled departure. If the journey includes a change of trains, any changes must be made before the journey begins. Please note that the route or direction of travel stated on the ticket cannot be changed.
- If you change your ticket to a more expensive train service, you need to pay the difference when you make the change. You will not be refunded the difference if you change to a less expensive ticket.
- Additional services (for example, bicycle space) are subject to availability and will not be refunded separately.
- Cancellation insurance is included in the price. If you cancel your ticket, we will only charge a cancellation fee.
- You can change or cancel your tickets before the scheduled departure of the train via self-service; just log in with your corporate username and adjust your tickets in the My Tickets section. Changes and cancellations can also be made through our customer service, we are open on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., tel. 0600 199 55 (EUR 2.03/answered call + LNC).
- You can buy The Corporate ticket on the vr.fi website or from our customer service. We are open on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., tel. 0600 199 55 (EUR 2.03/answered call + LNC).
Information on the multi-tickets
Children (4–17 years), students and pensioners get a discount on the multi-tickets.
The route selected for the multi-ticket for long-distance or VR’s commuter trains can start or end also in the HSL area. If you travel only within the HSL area, please buy an HSL ticket.
Multi-ticket for long-distance traffic
- You can purchase an Eko Class 10- or 30-trip multi-ticket from vr.fi, the VR Matkalla app, customer service or a station’s ticket sales. If you pay a surcharge, you can also use the same services to purchase an Ekstra Class multi-ticket. With an Ekstra Class multi-ticket, you can also book a seat for the upstairs of the restaurant car.
- Note that there is no Ekstra Class on night trains, and therefore the ticket is not valid on night trains.
- You can also book a wheelchair space or pay a surcharge to book a seat for travelling with a pet or a bike space.
- You can also pay a surcharge to book an empty seat next to you.
- You can use Eko and Ekstra Class multi-tickets to book a seat in the new Ekstra Plus class of the Pendolino Plus trains for an additional charge.
Multi-ticket for commuter traffic
- You will save 20% on the price of a single ticket if you use a multi-ticket.
Multi-ticket for long-distance traffic
- Multi-tickets cannot be changed or cancelled.
- However you can cancel a journey you have booked using your multi-ticket for long-distance trains for free up to 30 minutes before the scheduled departure of the train. A commuter train journey can not be changed or cancelled.
- You can cancel a journey after signing in on this website or the VR Matkalla app, visiting a VR service point or calling VR's customer support.
- Services subject to an additional fee, such as a seat in Ekstra Class or an empty seat next to you, will be refunded when you cancel the journey at least 30 minutes before the train's scheduled departure. The price of the additional service can be refunded for the majority of payment methods within 5 business days. If it is not possible to refund the service, you can contact our customer service in order to arrange the refund.
- Unused multi-ticket journeys will not be refunded.
- Please note: If you bought your ticket through a retailer, please contact them directly if you want to make any changes or cancel the ticket.
Multi-ticket for VR's commuter traffic
- Multi-tickets for commuter trains and individual commuter train multi-ticket journeys cannot be changed or cancelled.
Multi-tickets for long-distance trains:
- Eko class: by signing in on this website or to the VR Matkalla app, you can buy and use 10 or 30 journey multi-tickets to Eko calss.
- Ekstra class: To purchase a 10 or 30-trip multi-ticket for Ekstra Class, log in on this website or the VR Matkalla app.
- If you have a VR user name, you can also buy your multi-ticket from our customer service or from VR service points (Tampere and Helsinki). At the service point, a 1 euro supplement/order will be charged for long-distance series tickets. You can find and book your trips in the "My tickets" section.
Multi-tickets for VR’s commuter trains:
You can buy and use 10 or 30 journey multi-tickets by signing in to this website or to the VR Matkalla app. You can book your trip in the "My Journeys" section or in the app.
You can buy 10 journey multi-tickets to VR's Commuter trains also from R-kiosks (surcharge 1 €/ticket) and ticket vending machines at stations (surcharge 0.50 €/order). This way you get the multi-ticket as a print out.
Multi-ticket for long-distance traffic
Please remember to book your journey with your multi-ticket for long-distance trains before the train’s scheduled departure.
- Booking a journey with a multi-ticket works similarly to seat reservation.
- You need to sign in on this website or in the VR Matkalla app to book a journey.
- You can also book a journey with your multi-ticket by calling our customer support 0100 3232 (cost 0,06 €/min + lnc/mcc). We will send you your ticket by email.
- Once you have booked a journey with your multi-ticket, you will receive a ticket that you must show during ticket inspection.
- If you have not booked a journey with your multi-ticket before boarding the train, you must buy a new ticket from the conductor.
- You cannot use your multi-ticket to book a journey for a train that is sold out.
- Multi-tickets cannot be used to book a compartment for yourself
- Journeys must be used during the validity period of the ticket.
- The commercial resale of individual journeys booked with a multi-ticket is not permitted. If a serial ticket is used in violation of the conditions, VR has the right to cancel the multi-ticket.
Please note that you cannot book or pick up tickets for individual journeys with a multi-ticket for long-distance trains from an R-kioski, a Matkahuolto, a Matkahuolto service point or a travel agency.
Multi-ticket for VR's commuter traffic
Please remember to activate the journey before boarding the train.
- Journeys booked with the multi-ticket are valid for two hours.
- Traditional paper multi-tickets must be validated with the orange validator in the train’s vestibule when boarding the train.
- Journeys must be used during the validity period of the ticket.
Information about single ticket
Single ticket is on sale for both consumer and business customers.
Information about single ticketBuying and changing tickets
- In addition to purchasing your tickets at vr.fi, you can also call us and we will help you select and purchase a suitable ticket. We are open on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., tel. 0600 199 55, EUR 2.03/answered call + LNC.
- Change of plans? Your tickets are saved in the My Tickets section of the vr.fi website. You can also access ticket receipts there. You can change the tickets in the My Tickets section until one minute before the scheduled departure time of the train. Through the My Tickets section, you can also cancel tickets while logged in.
- Tickets can be easily distributed immediately after purchase via the link on the ticket.
- All passengers have the same reference information on their tickets, but you can edit individual passenger reference information up to two hours after purchase through the My Tickets section.
- The tickets can be paid for by card (both debit and credit) or through internet banking or possible invoicing in accordance with the agreement.
- If you wish, you can also manage changes and cancellations through our customer support. Customer support contact information available here., Opens in a new tab
Customer information & invoicing
- Do you need help with contracts or invoicing? On weekdays, you can reach us by email: businesstravel@vr.fi.
- In your email, please provide your name, email address, phone number, company name, and possible customer number so that we can process your case quickly.